Lord Darkar is the main antagonist of Season 2 and is also known as the Prince of Darkness and the Shadow Phoenix. In der zweiten Staffel hat Darkar das Ziel, die ultimative Macht der Relix zu erreichen. 4Kids

He finds it foolish when Aisha fights back, who claims that "a fairy never gives up without a fight!

Italienisch Then Darkar took another shot at the Pixie Village codex when the false Avalon cast a homesickness spell on the pixies so they would return to Pixie Village, during which Darkar sent two shadow monsters, one of which was Multi-Mouth Monster, to follow them. Lord Darkar (simply known as Darkar) is an antagonist in the Winx Club series, and the main antagonist in Season 2.He has also been called the Prince of Darkness by Miss Faragonda, but it is unknown whether he is the same Prince of Darkness mentioned by Darcy, when she first sees Riven and says that he has a level of negative energy equal to the Prince of Darkness. In Season 2, he planned to obtain the Ultimate Power of the Realix.

Darkar needed a power which was the complete opposite to his own power to create a balance between Light and Darkness in order to summon and acquire the Ultimate Power from the Realm of Relix, and the pure Dragon Fire of the Royal Family of Domino was what he needed.

The next day, he is at Alfea and is introduced by Faragonda to the Winx as their newest faculty staff, Professor Avalon. Gender Darkar hat einen schwarzen Körper und trägt eine rote Rüstung über seinem scheinbar skelettartigen Körper. Italian Winx Power Show First in "The Heart and the Sword", Vanessa tells Bloom when Darkar had placed her under a dark spell and Sky confessed his love for Bloom to save her.

Geschlecht Ogron 's ability to absorb the Fairies ' powers is slightly similar to Darkar's ability to absorb all energy.

He appears in Season 2 only Darkar then used her as his puppet to get Alfea's piece of the Codex.

Er tat dies, indem er den Trix aus der Festung des Lichts (Roccaluce) brfreite, um ihn bei seiner Suche zu unterstützen, und gab ihnen Gloomix-Kräfte. The Trix confronted Darkar, saying they did all the work for him. Darkar confirmed their suspicions that they had only been his pawns and were useless to him now that he had the Codex and Bloom, and he banished them to the Dark Void: Oblivion.

A page about all Winx Villians! He transformed Kerborg into a monster as a distraction so the Trix could steal the Codex, but they were unable to do so, and the specialists defeated Kerborg. Then the Trix escaped from Oblivion, fused into one body, and fought Darkar over the ultimate power. Il est interprété par Fabrizio Temperini en Italie, Martin Spinahayer en France et Michael Dorn pour la voix anglaise. When Sky faints, Darkar laughs and continues absorbing the power until he realizes that Bloom is returning normal. Er nahm Bloom gefangen und verwandelte sie in die Dunkle Bloom um das Reich von Relix zu öffnen. However, Sky told Bloom that he loved her, and the love for him in her heart caused her to use her healing power on herself and the others, returning to her original self while destroying the Ultimate Power. Außerdem kann er sich in eine riesige, phönixartige Kreatur verwandeln und seine Gestalt auch andersweitig ändern. Winx Club Bearbeiten Vergangenheit Bearbeiten. The difference between Lord Darkar's power and that of the Water Stars which also oppose the power of the Dragon is that, while Lord Darkar's power absorbs energy and the Dragon's power generates energy and with respect to each other, the former is Evil and the latter is Good, both the Dragon Flame and the Water Stars generate energy, but the energy released by each respectively is of opposing nature and neutral, none being Evil or Good with respect to each other.

Class It can, however, be questioned whether Lord Darkar is really dead or not since, in, In the Cinélume Version, Darkar caused the destruction of Domino by sending his servers, the Ancestral Witches there to claim the Dragon Fire, just like Morgoth caused the destruction of the Realms of the. Später wurde er dann in "Die Belagerung von Alfea" erwähnt, als Stormy Valtor vorschlug, in Darkars Festung Quartier zu nehmen, als er mit seinem Versteck in Andros nicht mehr zufrieden war. Leerer Raum Die Trix, zu einem Körper verschmolzen sind und ihre Gloomix benutzten, kâmpften gegen Darkar, wurden aber bewusstlos geschlagen. Comicserie Der Phönix erhebt sich He had also captured Aisha who escaped but returned to rescue her Pixie friends. Stella and Layla used Convergence and seemingly destroyed Darkar, but he survived and trapped them in dark slime. Normal Pourtant le plus souvent, des runes sortent d'une boule de feu sombre. Paolo Carta (2005)Germano Aledda (2006) Darkar's ability to change his appearance recalls the ability of both Morgoth and Sauron to transform themselves at will. When Bloom, Stella, Layla, Sky, and Brandon made their way to Darkar's castle to rescue the pixies, Darkar sent shadow monsters after them, who sent Brandon and Stella falling into a river thus separating them from the others. Icy gelang es mit Hilfe ihren Schwestern Darcy und Stormy. Il leur donne des pouvoirs supplémentaires, des Gloomix (gloom = obscurité), des sortes de bracelets qui renforcent leur magie et qui sont l'équivalent de la transformation Charmix pour les Winx…

Jörg Hengstler Some time before the destruction of Domino, Lord Darkar tasked the Ancestral Witches to acquire the Dragon Flame, which he needed to obtain the Ultimate Power of the Relix Dimension, and King Oritel and Queen Marion of Domino formed the Company of Light, a group of magical warriors, to fight against the Witches. Lord Darkar was formed at the beginning of time, when all things were created, along with his polar opposite, the Great Dragon.

Dann befahl er Avalons Schattenklon, Bloom zu entführen und als sie in seiner Festung war, benutzte er erneut den Schattenzauber für Bloom und benutzte sie und ihre Drachenflamme, da er eine Macht des Lichts brauchte, um seine Macht der Dunkelheit zu bekämpfen und benutzte alle vier Teile des Codex um das Portal zu Relix zu öffnen. Lord Darkar the Shadow Phoenix is the lead antagonist in the Season 2.

Given that the Ancestral Witches have been called the "First Creatures of Evil" and that Darkar himself is Evil personified, there might be a possibility that he was responsible for the creation of the three ancient Witches. Lord Darkar is the first male villain in the whole Winx Universe. Voice Actors Lord Darkar is the sworn enemy of Bloom and her friends. Il leur donne des pouvoirs supplémentaires, des Gloomix (gloom = obscurité), des sortes de bracelets qui renforcent leur magie et qui sont l'équivalent de la transformation Charmix pour les Winx. Aber als die Trix ihm entgegentraten und sagten, dass sie die ganze Arbeit gemacht hätten, sagte er ihnen, dass sie nur seine Bauern gewesen seien und jetzt nutzlos für ihn waren und sie in die Dunkle Leere schickte: In die Vergessenheit. UmbrakinesisShadow Minion ManipulationDark MagicShapeshiftingPassive Magic AbsorptionMetamorphosymbiosisRealix's Ultimate Power (briefly) Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Featured Post. Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Last Appearance Darkar verkleidet als Professor Avalon in "Der Schattenphönix".

Neben seinen magischen Kräften hat er lange, rasiermesserscharfe Klauen, die großen Schaden anrichten. He turned Kerborg into a monster to guard the portal while he and Dark Bloom opened it and entered Realix. Darkar nearly succeeded in his plot to claim the ultimate power and rule the magical dimension, but in the end, Darkar was defeated by all six Winx members, who banished him to the dark realm from which he was spawned. The dragon is the source of energy and light, while Lord Darkar absorbs it, making his essence the opposite of the Dragon's Flame. Once the Trix had done their part, he swoops in to "save" the fairies from the Trix disguised as a paladin. Winx Club He almost succeeded in gaining the Ultimate Power of Relix, but as he was absorbing the power, Sky told Bloom that he loved her and the love for him in her heart caused her to use her healing power on herself and the others and broke the Shadow Spell as well as destroying the Power. Avalon (Special) This also means that Valtor was also serving the Shadow Phoenix at this time, meaning that Lord Darkar already had someone with the Dragon Flame serving him, and the only explanation that can be given to his causing the destruction of Domino is that Valtor's Dragon Flame was the Dark part of the flame which was created when a spark from the Dragon's fiery breath had mixed with the Darkness (possibly itself having being created from Lord Darkar's power, since it was stated that both Lord Darkar and the Great dragon were born at the beginning of Time from the Void), and therefore was halfway between the powers of Light and those of Darkness. In Season 2, similarly, Darkar temporarily captured Bloom and turned her evil.

Lord Darkar was the main villain in season 2, with the Trix as his helpers. Lord Darkar's evil smile. He has also been called the Prince of Darkness by Miss Faragonda, but it is unknown whether he is the same Prince of Darkness mentioned by Darcy when she first sees Riven and says that he has a level of negative energy equal to the Prince of Darkness in the seventh episode of the first season, when the Trix sneak into Alfea to find the Dragon Flame.
Similarly, Darkar is an ancient maleficent deity who originated from the void before the creation of the Magic Dimension and who absorbs and consumes all energy. He obtained the final piece of the Codex when he sent Icy after Livy to get Pixie Village's part of the Codex. Darkar is the main antagonists in the second season. In Season 1, Darcy said that the level of dark energy in Riven was equal to that of the "Prince of Darkness". A while later, Darkar sent the Trix to steal the Codex of Cloud Tower, and they were successful. His next agenda: kidnap Bloom.

Kerborg He calls Sky a fool when he tries to reach Bloom by confessing his feelings for her. Leider hat Darkar auch Hilfe von den Trix bekommen. Portrayers Kräfte und Fähigkeiten Er wurde in einigen Folgen erwähnt. Nous voyons dans les flash-back de Layla, le phénix. Herkunft Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring, https://winx.fandom.com/wiki/Darkar?oldid=497998. Also, in 4Kids, his name is known in the first episode of Season 2, while in the RAI version, his name is not mentioned until the season's seventh episode, when Faragonda deduces his identity. She then got the Winx Club's help when they rescued her. https://winx.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Darkar?oldid=12068. Alias Fabrizio Temperini Profession und Fertigkeiten

He is amused that they trusted him and sends them back to their prison. Darkar looks glowing red and wears armor over his seemingly skeletal body. This means that the Shadow Phoenix and the Great Dragon were born at the same time and that they also need each other to counter each other's powers and maintain the balance of the Universe. Lord Darkar was the main villain in season 2, with the Trix as his helpers. Er hält die Elfen als Geisel, um sie dazu zu bringen, den Ort des Elfendorfs preiszugeben, aber sie weigerten sich, dies zu tun. Her outfit was black-navy. Male Debut Synchronisation Lord Darkar veut le pouvoir. Gallery, UmbrakinesisShadow Minion ManipulationDark MagicShapeshiftingPassive Magic AbsorptionMetamorphosymbiosisRealix's Ultimate Power (briefly).

When she refuses he forcibly strikes her and take back the Pixies.

#20: An Evil Wind Als Phönix hat er die Gestalt eines riesigen, rot-violetten Vogels mit drei langen Schwanzfedern und zerrissenen Flügeln.
He only appears in Season 2, but makes a few cameo appearances in season 3 and 4 (though only by name, flashback, and picture), and the season 5 trailer. Als die Magische Dimension aus einem leeren Raum entstand, erhob sich der Große Drache aus einem strahlenden Licht. Lord Darkar. Er ist graumsam und gemein. Il peut se changer en (serpent) en Phénix sous cette forme il est extrêmement puissant bien que même sous sa forme humaine il soit déjà très puissant.